Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's a well known fact that I destest children, especially those of most of the parents in my neighborhood. Yesterday there was a meeting of those of us who are active in the accessibility for gimps group. During the second half of the meeting, after the 'out of towners' left, the locals stayed behind to go over a few more issues. A subsidised trip to Jerusalem has been organized for us, those who participate in the accessibility group. Turns out that two sets of parents want to take their kids along. After much discussion, they were given permission to take the kids. The person in charge of the trip brought it up in oreder to 'warn' the rest of us that there would be kids coming along. Me, being me, said very calmly that if THOSE kids are going I'm not. End of story, except that Lilach said that that was all she needed to not allow the kids to go. She said in no uncertain terms that the trip was arranged for us, and that if having kids along caused even one of us not to go, the kids were out. So, I guess I'm going.
I'm very sorry, but the mere thought of being stuck with those kids for a whole day just makes me sick.
I ended up going to Safad to pick up the money Dem Der owes on his phone bill. It's also a good idea to take the car for a jaunt. I put the phones with car keys at the foot of the bed, along with a pack of fags, my glasses from their spot by the TV, my bag of holding from it's hook, and picked up the phones and bag of holding, and out I went. Getting into the car is a well tuned ritual. I have to pull up to my gimp parking space sign pole so the rear wheel of Harley is almost touching it, pull up the snake lock, open it and run it through a rear wheel. Then I get up, open the car, toss the bag and phones in, and start the car. Then, I get the fags out of the bag and put them in a little pouch on the sun visor. I was not pleased to discover that the fags were nowhere to be found and figured that I'd just left on the bed. There was no one around I could ask to go in and get them, and I really didb't feel like going through the whole get out of the car (the same as getting in except in reverse order), and getting back in again, so I decided to go without. I had told Dem Der that I'd be leaving in half an hour before I did leave. He called to ask where I was and I told him. I also asked him to try and bum a few fags for me for the drive home. He also told me that he was waiting for the bus to take him to the market not far from his house. I told him I'd pick him up there. So far so good. Then he called to say that he hadn't been able to bum any fags, but he'd buy me a pack, what kind did I want? The cheapest, was the answer. By the time he called for 4th time to verify the brand, I'd had it. It's not exactly rocket sience. When some who asks to bum smokes says the cheapest brand, it should be obvious that she means exactly that. I do not like talking on the phone while driving even though all I have to do is hit on it's head(the phone) and listen and talk. It's still enough to feel that you are not paying 100 percent attention to the road. And a major part of that road is under construction, or, destruction. It's hard to tell. So he got a blast and I hung up. What I want to know is; why does it take me so long to learn? Poor Dem Der just wants to get it right, and will drive the strongest amongst us to self commitment to the local funny farm in the process. He just about drove me wild a while back at KFC. I told him exactly what to get, and they guy kept making suggestions and he'd run back to car to ask. I finally just told him again what I wanted and nothing else would do and to quit running back to check. He did the same thing one day when staying here under the alias of Homeless and he was making spaghetti. Do you want this, or that in it? Ok, I do understand that he means well and just wants to please. But there are limits. He's a good friend, and I appreciate his willingness to do things. It's just the obssesive attention to detail is way OTT. I hope I've learned my lesson this time.
I found a great way to fake myself and save on a/c use. I found a screen saver of a snow storm, complete with sound effects. The first time it came up, I was in the kitchen washing dishes. I stopped for a minute to try and figure out if I was finally losing my mind because I heard a snow storm and I new it was over 80 degrees outside. Then I saw the screen saver and knew I had a winner. I've gotten through two whole nights without the a/c.

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