Monday, July 27, 2009


It's been a busy few weeks, to put it mildly. Trips to and from the clinic, and scattered meetings with the head honchos of the major gimp group in the country. Yes, indeed, the very one that I've refused to join ever since they hooked up with the Union. They've been up here a few times to talk with us, and we found out that some things we suspected were indeed true. Oh, well. It really doesn't matter at this stage as long as we learn from it. During one of the meetings, I threw an idea to the chairman, and when he came back two weeks later, he said that he is trying to put it together. It's not exactly a brand new idea, but more of a clarification of an older one. He wants credit for it? Fine. I know where it came from and so do the other four.
We've been having more frequent meetings of The Five, which is very good. Yesterday we all met at Hezi's house in the morning. Most evenings we are either at Moshe's or Alberto's. I enjoy the evening meeetings more as they are more social. The meeting at Hezi's was more formal and Moshe and Savta got into it so that no one else could get a word in edge wise. That is most annoying, and has to stop. One thing we all do agree on is that we have to get moving on a few things locally and stop waiting for our nominal hand holders to do anything. We have to do it ourselves because no one else will.
I finally got an appointment at the gastro clinic at Rambam Hospital in Haifa for Aug 11. Maybe they'll figure out what is wrong with me (aside from the usual sanity issues!)
I am now going to pay for my own stupidity. I woke up at 0700 to go to the loo and went back to sleep. The phone woke me up just after 1000, and Peg had squitted all over the living room floor. I really could have let him out, then, gone back sleep. Now I get to wash the whole mess up all by myself.

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