Monday, January 12, 2009


It's been so cold here for the last few nights that I didn't bother taking my bra off at night. That's all fine and well, except that yesterday I found out, quite by accident that it is a really uncomfortable method of suicide. I was having horrible chest pains and was nauseous all day. I finally figured out that I was strangling my chest with the damn thing which is just a tad too small. I undid it and finally took it off thise morning. I may never put it back on. I do feel better now. Still can't face the thought of eating, but that's just fine. Trust me on this. Suicide by bra is a really bad idea.
I am bracing myself for a barrage of phone calls. I finally decided to let my old pal Teadrinker talk to me. She's right in the thick of all those missiles down south and has had some near hits. I'm not exactly being nice about it. I just dialed her number and when she answered said "Talk" That was it, just talk. And talk she did. We also figured out that a major part of her difficulty in dealing with the rockets is most likely PTSD from the London blitz which she remembers from her childhood. It's already 1530 and she hasn't called yet. She will as soon as I get the groceries put away and settle in for a nap. She has uncanny timing. Oh, well, I knew what I was doing when I called her. No use complaining about it.


Anonymous said...

How cold is it where U are? I gave up my bra a few years ago. I only wear it on special occasions when going out to meet real people. I sleep under a Goose down comforter/duvet. On top of my mattress is also a feather bed. On top of my nightwear is a lovely silk/satiny nightgown (which holds heat). Underneath is T-shirt, a synthetic sweater, because wool makes me itch. Women's thermal long johns and a pair of thick socks, and a huge white Persian kitty-cat that snuggles into my back.
Hope your friend Teadrinker is managing to stay safe. Who is Peg?
Best to you,

Purplegimp said...

At night it gets down to single digit temperatures, in the day it can be up in teens C.
My bed is nice cozy with it's high mattresses, anti pressure sore air mattress purple terry cloth sheet and purple regular sheet. and historic porple summer quilt, a down quilt. It's really quite comfy once it warms up. Teadrinker is fairly safe, and she's a tough old bird.
Peg is Pegasus my 17 almost 18 year old Keeshond and best friend.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, but "suicide by bra" is funny!

Keep safe, kiddo!

dang...can't remember my Google/Blogger ID and p-word

Purplegimp said...

Yes, I can see the humor in it which is why I used that as the title. I could have gone with murder by bra too. But as it was self inflicted by a silly gimp....

Anonymous said...

I just found this link you sent the other day..You sound like you're under siege with your body..(Hate that)!

May it get easier for you...Hopefully as long as you're on-line you can escape.

May God Bless you with good company and good sleep!


Purplegimp said...

My body and I have been at loggerheads ever since I can remember. These days it's winning battles that I would have won hands down but a few years ago.
That's life! My body and I are used to it by now. All I really need is a few good nights of sleep.

Anonymous said...

Gimp you need to check out that website again (percentage's are dropping..


Purplegimp said...

True, thing is it's a silly public opinion poll that means absolutely nothing. Non stop voting for either side invalidates it as a legitimate refection of any opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "PurpleGimp" - Stupid Poll, means nothing at all.