Monday, April 28, 2008


I would like to extend my most sincere apologies to my three faithful readers for not posting as regularly as usual. My mood has been a little bit off what with allthe pressure of Orna Gate, the reappearance of my pressure sore (at least one thing likes enough to stick around), and the insane goings on, locally, nationally, and internationally.
The police waited until the end of Pesach to call Danny in to be interrogated. That's only to be expected. This morning his mother arrived at my door to beg me to cancel my complaint because Orna is hospital at death's door. She said that Orna has a thrombosis that she is not expected to survive. Uh huh. It just so happens that I know a thing or two about blood clots and what can be done for/about them. Been there, done that, have the wheely, don't need a T shirt. The real imminent danger from a clot is if it moves to the lungs, heart or brain. Otherwise there are some excellent clot busting drugs that can take care of it. Surgery is also an option depending on where it is. She is in the surgical ward, and later tonight I will know exactly what her condition is. It's ever so nice to have that hospital wired! I'm very sorry that she's so sick and in hospital, but, that's hardly a reason to take back my complaint against her husband. Nope. Not going to do it. After listening to her hysterionics for 45 minutes I explained exactly why I intend to see thing through to then. Until Danny broke and entered my shed, I didn't have a thing on them, just the daughter. Now, I have them both. Sueing Danny for the shed and swing glider they stole while I was away in 2006 and refused to return when I got back, give me reason to open a civil suit against Danny. Sueing him is the same as sueing her. Enough is enough.
On the local front, our mayor was convicted of a whole bunch of crimminal election activities, among them accepting bribes, falsifying legal documents and whole long list of other things. He's going to jail, at long last!
The national stuff I'll cover in one of my other blogs more fully and just say here that our poorest ever excuse of a PM had the nerve to take his annual vacation in a cabin on the Golan Heights and was quoted as saying after his vacation that he couldn't see what all the fuss was about between us and the Syrians over the Golan. All he saw up there was a bunch of volcanic rocks and security men (HIS security detail). He is such a lout, but more on that at the other blog.
Sorry for cutting this short, but some new pictures of my grand baby just came in and I must look at them.

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