original, it's quite clear. Ah, the memories this brings back. In case it's not clear, that's me in front on the right with one of my favorite bags at my feet, and Lise Barratta on the left. I can identify most of the ones in the rows behind us. So, there you have it! Proof positive that I started demonstrating for causes I believed in way back then, 40 years ago. Never mind, that I grew up and am now not at all pleased with my choice of a first cause. I have moved much to the right since then. My father's reaction to this was, even stranger to me then. He was not a great supporter of that war, but, neither was he against it, as so many were then, but he was proud that his daughter went out and did something about an issue she felt strongly about at the time. Having my picture in the paper WAS a surprise to him, even though, as the Chairman of the School Board he was well aware of who was behind the walk out. Yeah, I did have a cool dad.
Ah, we see the beginnings of the QOE with a face to scare the crap out of anyone. So nice you had a cool dad. I envy you on that.
Come on over for a tea party rally and scare the crapola out of our crooked jerks who run this gubmint. We need people like you.
A rabble rouser's humble beginings.Do you really think They'd let me in and not lock me up first thing?
Yeah, my dad was cool. Thankfully he never knew the half of it!
What amazing memories that picture brings back, and just look where it landed me! Thanks for the comment
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