Things are going great guns at the dentist as well. He's finishing the right side tomorrow which will be nice, then we move to the craters on the left side. I just hope those go more easily than the right side crater did. Not that I mind going to this dentist. I quite enjoy having him excavating and building in my mouth. He is an absolute dear and has as warped a sense of humor as I do. That is always a big plus.
I seem to have developed a very bad habit of late. I've started leaving the house before my wake up coffee. That has rarely happened before, and I can't say I like it much. Thing is, I stay up so late that it's late by the time I get up and don't have much time to get things done before places close at 1300. Maybe I should go to bed earlier? I'll have to think on that one for a while. Morning coffee is a non negotiable clause in my contract with myself!
I can hardly believe you don't have your morning coffee. How do you stay awake? I'd be knocking myself into everything. I have found that 2 cups of coffee in the morning are not good for my stomach, so I'm taking one now.
The Jericho project is coming along quite nicely as I said on FC. Golan is sure a gem doing all that painting. That's a lot to do especially when you have to move furniture to do it.
I can't understand it myself. This is far and away the worst bad habit of all the bad habits I have ever developed.
Golan is indeed a gem, and he has been paid the going rate for a job the scope of The Jerico Project!
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