It's been a wild few days. A group of fellow gimps has been demonstrating in Jerusalem for almost three weeks with absolutely no press coverage. We(Kiryat Shmonah gimps) were contacted by one of the leaders of the protest and were asked to organize a group to 'march' on Jersulem. We were promised the moon and half the sun, but he only delivered on one item, which was the Police escort from a starting point about 10 miles from town because of road works. We were supposed to have been supplied with a vehicle to take our scooters and wheelies to that point. Needless to say, we weren't. So, I got that sorted at the last minute, a friend who is also a gimp organized the press, and after a little press conference, we were on our way.
The above link will take you to one of my calmer, more reasonable interviews. Just scroll down until you come to the box with Play in English. I'm pretty sure you don't need Heberw to get my gist.I spent just about all of Wedenseday charging around town getting donations of essential things like water, food, and cash. I even shamed Dem Der into Peg sitting. We met up in town at 0730 to organize ourselves before the trailer got there to take the scooters to the official starting place. There were two scooters, two regular wheelies, and a power chair who came with his van. This is a picture of us having a spontaneous pre demonstration demonstration before a local cop came and made us move.Someone, most likely me, was very lucky to have gone off to pick up our donated breakfast sandwiches when the local cop made us move. It took me a few minutes to find them in our new place and I had no sooner gotten there than I got a call from our trailer guy. We all raced to where he was waiting and Trailer guy and my neighbor Golan got the scooters on the trailer and we were off to meet the press at Sde Eliezer Junction. My across the path neighbor Moshe had a canopy on his scooter which flew off on the way. By the time we got all the wheeled chariots on the road and ready to move out, the the press and our escort cops were there. When we finished the press stuff, one Alberto grabbed the basket on Harley and the other Alberto grabbed the canopy pole on Moshe's scooter, while Hezi drove his 'support' van while in his power chair. We kept getting stopped by the press, and my phone rang non stop. There is absolutely no shade on that road and it was close to 100 degrees under a bright sun in a clear sky. Given my tendency to dehydrate quickly, I held a bottle of water in my left hand, and 'drove' with the other one. Try answering a blue tooth in your ear with a bottle in that hand-the semi paralyzed one at that! It was a good two hours before we got to the next major junction-Mahanaiyim, where a lunch and charge the scooters break had been planned. Let's do the math. 2 hours at 12km/h is, um,
I watch the interview on ynet. Didn't understand a word except Jerusalem. Did you get all the press coverage you wanted?
That's a hard question to answer because not only was the government putting an unbelievable amount of pressure on the news outlets not to give us the time of day,another handicapped group blew us off too. But, we did get a some good coverage in spite of that, which partly explains why we were turned back when we were.
What a bummer, having the government shut you down or try to. At least you did get some coverage and that's a good thing.
I still couldn't get that media to play right. Too much dial up issues and problems. Argh!
But, I did catch you saying some words and you sounded good. Didn't understand a word of it but I have an imagination.
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