If I were the paranoid type, I'd think they do it just to annoy me. But, being the sane, even tempered gimp that I am, I know they don't. Even when it seems like they do. The weather people have been going on for more than a week about the storm that was supposed to dump snow on the lower elevations yesterday. Well, it didn't. We just got some high winds and rain. And they're already talking about another storm for next week. I live in perpetual hope for snow. I did grab the camera when I took Peg walkies in the hope that there would be even more snow on the foothills than there was last time, but the only flake around was me! The camera did come in handy for taking pictures of Golan's 'new' used pick up and trailer. Is it any wonder he fell for it when he saw the picture on the interweb? I had a close listen to the engine and it sounds just fine. It looks good too, doesn't it? My only issue with it is that you need a ladder to get into it! There are step like running boards in the bed that he'll put on later today.
I'm so happy for him. He's been looking for *his* pick up for ages, and now he has it. He also bought almost all the new tools he needs for the gardening business he's going to start as soon as the weather changes. I've seen some of the garfens he's done and they are beautiful. He doesn't just have a green thumb. He was green hands and feet! I can't wait to able to have him do my garden. With any luck I'll have clawed my way out of the mess that is my bank account (thank you Orna) and be able to buy what I need for the fence in front. There's no sense in doing anything out front until it's fenced.
He has a few things to look for on the interweb later and he offered to help me clean up here later, as in do the floor properly, help me change the sheets, and anything else that needs doing. He's just one of those guys who likes to help when and if he can. And boy, do I ever need help in here. It's also cool that he understands about Dem Der and isn't one of those types who ask why I don't get someone in to do it. He knows perfectly well that the person who used to do it for me is the reason I can't pay anyone else to come in. Right. I'm staying in today and getting started on the things I can do.
Lucy, I'm trying again to put a comment up here.
That truck is sooooooooo cool. I want one just like that.
Weather people always lie because they don't talk to God or Mother Nature and Those two have minds of their own not linked to sub human weather people
Gracie, Success! Your comment came through.
That is a cool pick up isn't it? He's so proud of it and he's promised me a ride as soon as we figure out how to get me up there. It's not like there's a fork lift around like there was when I took the Land Rover to the garage and couldn't get out of the tow truck. I got in, but getting out was just not going to happen!
Granted our weather guys and gals don't have a direct line to G-d, but it's so not nice to get a gimp's hopes up and then, nothing.
Oh, yeah, a nice ride in that pickup would be fun. Maybe some off roading fun. He could always just open the door on your side while you're still in motion and just push you out. Of course, one should put down an air mattress at the spot in which he shoves you out so you have a nice soft roll.
That actually happened to me one night in my early years. A guy pushed me out of the car like that because I wouldn't put out. Talk about schmucks.
That would certainly get me out. It's the getting in that's the problem. But he'd never ever do that. He's too nice a guy. I have a feeling that if I managed to get up there, getting down will be similar to how I usually got out of the Land Rover.
Lucky for them, none of the guys I dated ever did that to me. But there was an incident on a tractor once on a kibbutz over here.
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